Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019

#ukraine    14 | 12 | 2013

Letter for EuroMaidan - from Oxana Pachlovska

Rome, December 12, 2013

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Today we hear from Ukraine the news that by the end of the week we expect provocations, mass disorders, use of lethal gas, fires, chaos in the capital and, consequently, the introduction of a state of emergency, with the possible arrest of the leader of the opposition.

In short, since they cannot possibly stop protest, the establishment has practically asked the Russian secret services to intervene, and these are preparing a massive operation.

As can be easily perceived, the protesters are mostly students, common people, intellectuals, persons just armed with ideas and determined to go to the bitter end. As a result, the situation can really turned nasty.

I am not in a position either to confirm or disconfirm such frightening information, but I am sure that it is not far from the truth. Also due to the fact that, according to opposition leaders’ statements, there are going to be about 80 thousand units coming from police forces and the army in Kyiv on the weekend. It is an information coming from sound sources, from reliable journalists possibly from high-ranking exponents of the establishment, obviously representatives of the wing opposing this scenario.

These are links (in Russian) which illustrate this hypothesis: <>, <>, <>, <>.

I do ask you to take this information into due consideration and let it be known to all those who might be interested in it, within European, American and Canadian institutions, including diplomatic structures, in short all those who are in a position to react.

Thank you in advance for all you could do to help Ukraine avoid such a dreadful scenario. And thank you again for your solidarity for our EuroMajdan!

With my best wishes

Oxana Pachlovska

Prof. Oxana Pachlovska
PhD in Philology, Chair of Ukrainian Studies,
Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies
(Area of Slavonic Studies: Sezione di Studi Slavi
e dell’Europa Centro-Orientale, SSEUCO)
University of Rome “LA SAPIENZA”

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